Finding Creative Solutions For Complex Intellectual Problems

If a case is complex, get the right advice or refer it on

On Behalf of | Jul 23, 2019 | Civil Litigation |

As an attorney, one of the hardest things to handle is when a client won’t listen or when a case simply isn’t going to plan. Sometimes, your best efforts aren’t going to be enough, and you need to have a back-up plan. That’s why it’s a good choice to have a relationship with another legal expert who can help in the most trying civil litigation cases.

Whether you’re looking for a consultation or another attorney to work with or take on your case, it’s a smart choice to find an attorney you can rely on early on.

When is it a good idea to refer a case to another attorney?

There are several times when referring a case to another attorney is in your best interests. Some of these may include:

  • When your client does not listen or doesn’t respect you
  • When your experience and area of expertise doesn’t line up with all aspects of the client’s case
  • When your case load is too heavy and you can’t spend enough time on this complex civil litigation case

…and of course, any other time when you feel uncomfortable with a case.

Attorneys understand that there are times when you may need to pull out of a case even though the trial is approaching quickly. They also know that there are times when a fresh perspective is essential to making the most of the case.

Get an attorney on your side who can represent your client at trial

In some situations, attorneys have to withdraw from a case before they take it all the way to trial. There may be a conflict of interest, or a client may simply be too difficult to handle.

Turning to an attorney who specializes in coming up with unique solutions to complex cases is the next best step forward. These attorneys are focused on giving clients their full attention, coming up with helpful solutions to issues that draw criticism against your client and persuading a jury and judge to agree.

Experience matters in court. Complex cases need the most experienced attorneys to focus on them, so that they can help produce the results that are expected. If your office is dealing with a case that is getting out of control, don’t wait to bring on an experienced attorney as a consultant or to refer the case to another team who is used to handling complex legal cases.



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