Nondisclosure agreements are contracts, a promise, to keep certain information secret. They come in handy when you want to share something that is private and you do not want the whole world to know about it. Many times, these agreements are incorporated into...
Trade Secret Litigation
How can you identify a trade secret?
Trade secrets can provide valuable advantages to you if properly protected. When such information makes it into the wrong hands or is recklessly shared with others, you may jeopardize your competitive advantage. Knowing which information qualifies as a trade secret is...
What are the pros and cons of trade secret protection?
When it comes to the ideas and procedures that make your business unique, you want to do everything in your power to protect them. There are plenty of options available if you wish to do this, too. Some choose to file for patents. Others aim for trademark or copyright...
How is your trade secret protected?
As a creative, an entrepreneur or a business owner, you have likely heard of several terms that refer to intangible but crucial components of business. This may include copyright, intellectual property (IP), or trade secrets. All of these hold importance in your...
A nondisclosure agreement and misappropriation of trade secrets
The purpose of a nondisclosure agreement, or NDA, is to protect trade secrets. If there is a breach of the NDA, the employer harmed may be able to recover unjust enrichment damages due to misappropriated trade secrets. Remedies available If a breach of an NDA occurs,...
Understanding what constitutes trade secret misappropriation
Research suggests that the biggest threat to a business’s intellectual property is often right under the owner’s nose. Most modern allegations of information theft involve members of an employer’s own workforce. Trade secret litigation is often complex and...
What is the difference between a mutual and one-way NDA?
If your client has an interest in protecting trade secrets, it is likely that disclosing trade secrets for gain will be part of the conversation at some point. Your client may wish to disclose a trade secret for multiple reasons, but he or she must take proper...
New case alleges theft of trade secrets
Protecting a company's confidential information can be vital to the future viability of a business as it aims to maintain fair competition in the marketplace. Exactly what constitutes a violation of trade secret agreements or the theft of trade secrets can at times be...
4 ways to ensure that your trade secrets remain secret
The protection of trade secrets is as necessary for a small business as it is for a world-famous company. You may not have to protect the recipe for a secret sauce but protecting your own trade secrets is essential. Here are four ways to go about that. Make a list The...
Important terms of a nondisclosure agreement
In business, there may be many situations when one company needs to disclose sensitive information to another individual or company in order to execute important strategies. This information may include anything from sales forecasts to new product designs and more....